Diana Crane has received the 2015 Write Well Award for her story, "The Visitor," which appeared in the Winter 2014 issue of Still Point Arts Quarterly.
The Write Well Award was established by the Silver Pen Writers Association, a non-profit organization that encourages and
fosters creative writing careers, and is named after the Write Well, Write to Sell blog by Rick Taubold and Scott Gamboe, also a part of Silver Pen. The award seeks to recognize excellence in published short fiction in both
print and electronic magazines.
Diana Crane
grew up in Canada, taught sociology in the United States, and has
published several books of nonfiction on topics related to fashion, the
media, and the arts. She has been the recipient of a Guggenheim
Fellowship and twice the recipient of a Fulbright award. She now lives
in Paris where she writes fiction as well as articles about fashion and
the arts. She also co-edits a fashion studies journal.
Please click here to read "The Visitor."
Images in this story are by Susan Landor Keegin.