Living in Maine, I truly have the opportunity to enjoy the seasons, and in Maine, we have more than just the traditional four seasons. We have spring, summer, fall, and winter, but we also have mud, bug, fishing, tourist, lobster, harvest, hunting, shrimp, shoveling, and sledding. They each have their unique characteristics and customs and . . . colors. Yes, colors.
I associate each of the seasons with certain colors. Staying with the traditional seasons, I associate fall with orange and rust, gold and deep red. I connect spring with green, the kind of green seen in new leaves and fresh grass. Summer, for me, is bright, hot, blazing red . . . an uncomfortably hot red. And winter, my favorite season, is blue.
There is a kind of blue we see in winter when everything is covered in mounds of pure white snow, the sky is clear, and the sun has just set. Dusk settles in, and a beautiful blue cast fills the atmosphere . . . spreading out like a blue fog. I know blue is considered a cool color, but, for me, blue has a way of adding warmth to the cold of winter.
The High Peaks, Eleanor Goldstein |
Morning Frost, Leslie Parke |
Northern Lights, Bob Craig |
Winter Cold, Marie Dancy-Brennan |
Snow and Ice Floes on the River, Michael Welch |
The River Rests in Winter, Margruite Krahn |
Sea Smoke and Ice, Dave Clough |